Witch hunts
From the early Mesopotamian civilisation witchcraft was considered a serious crime, punishable by death if someone was caught practicing it. The act of witchcraft was defined as placing a curse upon a...
View ArticleReincarnation
The belief or not in reincarnation is wide and varied, some dismiss it completely, others would like to think there is something more, there are those who believe without question and those who are...
View ArticleWitch’s Way
Drawing the Power Source On a deep spiritual level our higher selves are influenced by the natural world, the stars, the Moon the Sun, and as we draw down their energies into ourselves to enhance our...
View ArticleHow to Discover Your Psychic Powers
Anyone wishing to develop their psychic powers can take some simple steps and learn to use their innate gifts. We are born with psychic ability, some use it as naturally as breathing, some work to...
View ArticleThe Witch’s Apprentice
Witchcraft is shrouded in a veil of mystery and for the beginner witch it can seem like an impenetrable fortress. Beginning is a matter of committing and believing, once this first step is taken you...
View ArticleCharms and Chinese Superstitions
The charm has a prominent part in all primitive religions, especially in those that worship spirits and live in fear of ghosts and spectres. In the earliest times the Chinese people believed in...
View ArticleBuddhism
Enlightenment is different for each person and Buddha was a man who had no thoughts of divine status. Each Buddha must find his own truth, his tutors relay their understanding and knowledge and his...
View ArticleReincarnation and Karma
The ancient philosophers believed in reincarnation, Virgil, Ovid, Pythagoras, Empedocles. Plato wrote, “by making the right use of those things remembered from the former life, by constantly perfecting...
View ArticleMagical References and Tools
Magical References Alfatofrar – Norse term for elf magick or any influences of enchantment. Alfheim – Upper world home of the light elves in Norse mythology. Angels – Angels act as intermediaries...
View ArticleJoining a Coven
As a practicing witch you may decide you would like to join a coven, by doing this you will be agreeing to abide by the lore of the individual group, so before you choose you may first like to inquire...
View ArticlePentagram and Witchcraft
The pentagram is a recognised and important symbol of witchcraft, it is a five pointed star with a single upright point, this represents spirit above matter, inverted it represents matter above spirit,...
View ArticleThe Five Elements
The Elements – In most instances when the elements are mentioned there are four, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, but there is another more elusive element which is difficult to describe or define, it is...
View ArticleAmulets
Amulets are objects imbued with magical protective properties, warding off bad luck, loss, illness, evil and curses. They are used to ensure a happy, healthy, prosperous life, and for protection during...
View ArticleCunning Folk
Cunning folk – Traditionally the cunning man or cunning woman was a person who healed, worked magic, created herbal remedies, provided charms, anti-witch measures, spells, and fortune telling services,...
View ArticleElementals
Elementals – Are spirits of the elements, earth – air – fire – water, gnomes are earth elementals, sylphs are air elementals, salamanders are fire elementals and undines (also nymphs) are water...
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