Elementals - Are spirits of the elements, earth - air - fire - water, gnomes are earth elementals, sylphs are air elementals, salamanders are fire elementals and undines (also nymphs) are water elements.
View ArticleThe Witch’s Pyramid
The Witches' Pyramid - Also known as the Four Pillars of the Witches' Temple, is the foundation for all magical work and represents the mindset necessary to create magic and the qualities to be...
View ArticleHoodoo
Hoodoo is a system of folk magic with a spiritual base, traditional in the African American culture, also called rootwork and conjure magic.
View ArticleAltered States
Self perception is consciousness of self through the five senses, your sixth sense takes you to a new level of perception.
View ArticleWitches and Other Creatures
Superstition paints a very dark picture of witches, they are described as old, bent, unattractive, bow legged, stringy haired practitioners of dark magic.
View ArticleWitchway
Witchcraft draws on ancient wisdom and the power of the universe, as you partake in magic rituals altered states of consciousness can be reached.
View ArticleMy Temple
A Temple is a specific place that is cleared for meditative and magical practices.
View ArticleLone Witch
Rather than belonging to a coven or being part of a group, there are many witches who are lone sailors, they prefer to walk the magic path with autonomy.
View ArticleWitch’s Magic
Everyone has this ability in a nascent state, it’s just a matter of learning how to channel the untapped stream of power.
View ArticleWiccan Sabbats
The Sabbats celebrate the eternal circle of life – birth, death and rebirth. These seasonal holidays have been followed for many thousands of years by ancient cultures such as Nordic, Celtic and Greek.
View ArticleThe way of the Druid
In ancient times a Druid was a philosopher, teacher, counsellor and magician, concerned with the natural world and its powers.
View ArticleElementals
Elementals - Are spirits of the elements, earth - air - fire - water, gnomes are earth elementals, sylphs are air elementals, salamanders are fire elementals and undines (also nymphs) are water elements.
View ArticleWiccan Sabbats
The Sabbats celebrate the eternal circle of life – birth, death and rebirth. These seasonal holidays have been followed for many thousands of years by ancient cultures such as Nordic, Celtic and Greek.
View ArticleWizards
There have been many wizards over the ages, it takes a certain energy to be a wizard, they are born not made, the stereotypical wizard image is of course Merlin, who was King Arthur’s magician. Wizards...
View ArticleWitches
Witchcraft helps us to embrace the extraordinary and to transform the life we lead, there are more of us than you think in the world quietly going about our day to day life, and just as quietly being a...
View ArticleSuperstitions
Even those who say they are not superstitious tend not to walk under a ladder, or they throw spilled salt over their left shoulder, superstitions have been the stuff of legends for centuries. What do...
View ArticleGraphology
The Analysis of Handwriting (Graphology) What does your writing reveal about you? Handwriting analysis has been used since the 17th century and handwriting is like your fingerprint, no two people have...
View ArticleWitchcraft & Supernatural Beings
Witchcraft is the art of bringing magical power to manifest that which you desire, it can be used to benefit or to harm, certain individuals are thought to have supernatural powers and everyone has a...
View ArticleThe Magic of The Moon
Although we all talk about the Moon, think about the Moon, look up at the Moon, the Moon still remains a mystery to us, it has been this way for aeons, and will be for aeons to come. Because of the...
View ArticleHalloween
Halloween is thought to have strong pagan beginnings, it has also been linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, this was a time of communities preparing for the winter months, and people’s thoughts...
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